SAF Assist Explanation – Karen Ross’ Radio Interview
I knew immediately when I heard of Coldwell Banker Howard, Perry & Walston’s short sale assistance program that they would lead the way to helping homeowner’s in the Triangle Region. When that news arrived to me, I worked for a competitior – my great faith in HPW and the strength of the planned program spoke volumes to me, and we almost immediately changed brokerages. Since then, hundreds of homeowner’s have been able to explore ALL of their options with attorney’s at their side to handle the negotiation of a short sale, at NO expense to the homeowner!!
Karen Ross who heads the SAFAssist Program, (which helps homeowner’s who are considering a short sale) was recently interviewed on WRVA – The River. Follow the link below to hear Karen’s interview and feel free to share this page with anyone that may need short sale assistance.
Please contact us with questions or for a confidential interview with our team – we are uniquely qualified to help YOU, see why here.